IRIG ORG is an informational website that is available to all who are interested in quick and easy access to TELEMETRY or IRIG information. Time Codes (IRIG A, IRIG B, etc), IRIG106 CH10, or any of the comprehensive telemetry standards that ensure interoperability in aeronautical telemetry applications in use at the member ranges can be referenced from this URL. This website is not a legal entity of the Range Commanders Council (RCC) or it's development of the Inter Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) standards.

What does IRIG stand for?

Inter Range Instrumentation Group

What is IRIG Standard?

Modern day electronic systems such as communication systems, data handling systems, and missile and spacecraft tracking systems require time-of-day and year information for correlation of data with time. Serial formatted time codes are used to efficiently interface the timing system output with the user system.  Standardization of time codes is necessary to ensure system compatibility among the various ranges, ground tracking networks, spacecraft and missile projects, data reduction facilities, and international cooperative projects.   These digital codes are typically amplitude modulated on an audio sine wave carrier or transmitted as fast rise-time TTL signals.

The use of the IRIG standard is to provide a standard protocol for serial time codes that are generated for correlation of data with time.

What is the latest IRIG specification?

IRIG Standard 200-04 (added year information to format).   Previous revisions are IRIG Standard 200-98 (added Manchester modulation) and  IRIG Standard 200-95.   IRIG Document 104-60 was the original standard accepted in 1960.

What is IRIG-B?

IRIG-B refers to a serial time code format.   This a timing signal that has a rate of 100 pulse per second signal,  There are other rate that are designated in accordance with the IRIG Standard 200-04  (see below).  IRIG-B sends Day of Year, Hour, Minute and Second data on a 1KHz carrier, with an update rate of one second.  IRIG-B DCLS  (DC level shift) is IRIG-B without the 1KHz Carrier.

What are the IRIG Formats?

 Format  Rate  Count Interval
IRIG-A  1,000 PPS (pulse per second)  1 ms
IRIG-B  100 PPS  10 ms
IRIG-D  1 PPM (pulse per minute)  1 minute
IRIG-E  10 PPS  0.1 second
IRIG-G  10,000 PPS  0.1 ms
IRIG-H  1 PPS  1 second

Note IRIG-C was replaced by IRIG-H

IRIG Formats,  IRIG code designations

INFORMATIONAL LINKS  Information about IRIG 106 Ch10 Digital On-Board Recorder Standard.
ITC  International Telemetry Conference (ITC/USA) official website.
RCC web site  Range Commanders Council (RCC) official website. 
RCC Publications  Documentation for IRIG standards available from this RCC link.  The Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) Official Site


Vendor Links
L3 Communications
Symvionics (IADS)


The information and links provided by IRIG.ORG are not an endorsement nor recommendation of products, services or other. All information provided by this site is for informational purposes only.